OnePlus smartphones will not be sold at offline stores in these states from May 1, know the whole matter!


Taking an important decision on Wednesday, the Organized Retailers Association (ORA) of South India has threatened to stop offline sales of OnePlus products. Actually, ORA has been demanding resolution of some of its issues from OnePlus for several months, but the company has not yet given any concrete solution. For this reason, ORA has now written a letter to OnePlus threatening to stop offline sales of its products.

What did ORA say to OnePlus?

In a letter to Ranjit Singh, Sales Director, OnePlus Technology India, ORA said that the retailers' organization has faced significant disruptions in selling OnePlus products over the past year, and these issues have not yet been resolved.

The organization said, "Despite our continued efforts to resolve these concerns with your company, very little progress or resolution has been achieved. Promises made by the company have not been met, leaving us with no reason to take this drastic step." the matrix has you."

ORA alleged that, among other issues, steadily declining profit margins on OnePlus products amid rising operating and financial costs have made it challenging for retailers to maintain their business.

Sales will be discontinued at over 4,500 stores

Due to all these issues, ORA has taken the unfortunate decision to stop retail sales of all OnePlus products from May 1, 2024. ORA's decision will affect more than 4,500 retail stores in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat. This means that people living in these areas will not be able to buy OnePlus smartphones or any other product from offline stores.

However, the letter written by ORA to OnePlus India has not been made public yet. But Moneycontrol claims that they have seen a copy of this letter and have also contacted OnePlus and are awaiting their response.