Geyser will explode like a bomb! Don't make this mistake in the rain, you will regret it for the rest of your life!


Geyser Blast: The rainy season has arrived. Many states including Delhi are receiving heavy rainfall. In this season, the water in the tank is very cold. In such a situation, many people think of turning on the geyser in the rainy season. But turning on the geyser in monsoon can prove to be dangerous. A small mistake can cause a blast. Let us tell you the reasons why the geyser can get damaged or blasted…

Geyser will explode like a bomb! Don't make this mistake in the rain, you will regret it for the rest of your life

Risk of short circuit

Humidity increases during the rainy season, which increases the risk of short circuits. If there is any fault in the wiring or connection of the geyser, then a short circuit may occur due to humidity and there is also a risk of fire.

Rusting Problems

Due to moisture during the rainy season, the metal parts of the geyser may rust, which reduces the life of the geyser and also affects its working capacity.

power consumption

The temperature is usually low during the rainy season, in such a situation the geyser requires more electricity to produce hot water, which can increase the electricity bill.

Water quality

Rainwater often contains impurities, which can accumulate inside the geyser and affect its capacity. 

How to be careful?

- Make sure that the wiring of the geyser is done properly and there is no fault in it.

- Keep cleaning the geyser regularly so that it does not rust and its functionality is maintained.

- Buy a good quality geyser that is more resistant to rust and moisture.

- Do not overload the geyser, as this may damage the geyser.