Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana: 30,408 new houses approved for Rajasthan, this much grant will be received from the government!

In the meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Urban Development of the Central Government held in Delhi on Monday, 30,408 new houses have been approved under the BLC New and Augmentation-e component under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in Rajasthan.
New houses were also approved in a meeting chaired by Manoj Joshi, Secretary, the Ministry of Urban Housing and Development. Autonomous government officials of all the states participated virtually in the meeting. Under this scheme, a grant of Rs 1-50 lakh is given per beneficiary by the Central Government. A total grant of Rs 456-12 crore will be received for the sanctioned houses and the state will soon receive an amount of Rs 273-67 crore as the first installment.
Prakash Chandra Sharma, Executive Director of RUDSICO from Rajasthan, said that Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma discussed this matter with Autonomous Government Minister Jhabar Singh Kharra and officials of the department. Minister Kharra encouraged people in the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra and urged them to apply. After this, people applied to get their pucca houses constructed.
PC: navbharattimes