Young people suffering from premature ejaculation should consume these 6 things, results will be visible in a few days.


In a stressful and troubled life, premature ejaculation is a common problem among youth.

Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation is a common problem of youth in a stressful and troubled life. The solution to this problem is very easy but hesitation in talking about it makes it a serious problem. Here we tell you about six such things, by consuming which the problem of premature ejaculation can be easily solved. This problem arises when you are unable to control ejaculation during sex. This can happen to you immediately after starting sex. Due to this, you and your partner are unable to enjoy sex fully. Although this does not cause any problem to you, the male partner feels embarrassed due to this. He feels that he was not able to fully support his partner in the sexual act.

Such a problem arises only when you are upset, depressed or your body is going through some hormonal change. However, doctors and sex experts believe that premature ejaculation is more of a mental problem than a disease. They say that if a person is mentally healthy and considers sex a normal activity, then he does not have such a problem. That is, if you do not hurry during sex, and are not struggling with any mental problem… then this is a problem that gets cured on its own to a large extent.

According to a study, every third man has faced this problem at some point in his life. However, most men do not go to the doctor to diagnose this problem. Along with medical science, this problem can also be solved by natural methods. Let us tell you those natural things by consuming which you will be able to solve this problem easily.

Green Onion: It is not possible that there is no onion in the kitchen in our country. Onion is consumed for many types of diseases. But the green onion seed is very effective in removing these sex-related problems. This seed strengthens men along with increasing their stamina. This enables them to have sex for a longer period of time. You do not have to do much for this. You have to finely chop the root of green onion i.e. the seed mix it in water and take it three times a day before eating… You will start seeing its effect in a few days.

Ashwagandha: In the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine, Ashwagandha is very effective in the treatment of many diseases. Consuming Ashwagandha strengthens your mental strength. It also increases the libido (desire for sex) in your body. By consuming it, men can indulge in sex for a longer period and can also control premature ejaculation.

Ginger and Honey: Ginger is also an essential item in the Indian kitchen. You must have drunk a lot of ginger tea, but after knowing the benefits of its regular consumption, you will say that it is really a wonderful thing. Ginger improves blood flow in the body. It especially improves blood flow in the lower back. Due to improved blood flow in the lower back, you can control ejaculation to a great extent. Consuming honey with it increases its effect a lot because honey has many strength properties.

Garlic: Garlic contains aphrodisiac elements. Garlic, which is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory elements, also improves blood flow in the body. It also increases the necessary heat in the body. You can consume one or two cloves of it every morning on an empty stomach. You can also eat it by frying it in desi ghee.

Lady finger: Lady's finger is also very effective in premature ejaculation. This is a vegetable that is found most of the year. If you are suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation, then you can include ladyfinger in your diet regularly. Now lady finger powder is also available in the market. You can consume it too.

Carrots: Carrots, which are found in abundance in the winter season, are effective in many things. You can eat it raw, drink its juice or eat it as a vegetable. It has the amazing property of increasing libido and desire for sex. For better results, you can regularly consume boiled carrots with egg and honey.