Women Healths: ICMR told that diet plan should be like this!


With increasing age in women, the risk of diseases related to obesity and nutritional deficiency is higher than that of men. The reasons for this are hormones, pregnancy and menopause in women. Although its side effects can be managed with regular exercise and healthy diet, women are generally unable to exercise due to their busy schedules. 


In such a situation, recently the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has made a diet chart for women who do not exercise. This diet chart helps them by ensuring balanced nutrition and avoiding unhealthy diet choices. It also explains how a woman can choose healthy food options for herself.

ICMR told that diet plan should be like this 

Eating fruits and vegetables

Should include five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. 

Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates and other nutrients. In such a situation, the diet should include whole grains like barley, brown rice, jowar, millet and oats. 

Pulses and pulses

Pulses and pulses are a good source of protein , fiber and other nutrients. In such a situation, pulses or pulses should be included in the diet at least three times a week.

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for strong bones. In such a situation, it is important to consume low fat milk, curd and buttermilk regularly.

Fats and oils

Healthy fats are essential for the body, but they should be consumed in limited quantities. In such a situation, unsaturated fats like peanut oil, mustard oil, canola oil and olive oil should be used for cooking.

ICMR diet chart

  • Breakfast (470 Kcal) –  Soaked and boiled whole grains – 60 gms Boiled red/black beans, cowpea,/chickpea – 30 gms, Green leafy vegetables – 50 gms Nuts – 20 gms
  • Lunch (740 kcal) –  Cereals – 80 grams, Pulses – 20 grams, Vegetables – 150 grams, Green leafy vegetables – 50 grams, Nuts – 10 grams, Curd – 150 ml/ Paneer, Fruits – 50 grams.
  • Dinner (415 kcal)-  Cereals- 60 grams, Pulses- 15 grams, Vegetables- 50 grams, Oil- 5 grams, Curd- 100 ml, Fruits- 50 grams.
  • Evening snack (35 kcal)-  Milk- 50 ml.

It is also important to keep these things in mind

To improve health, drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, limit salt and sugar intake, avoid fried, canned and packaged food, limit or completely stop alcohol consumption.