Why do winter cholesterol levels get a chance to jump? Understand These 5 Reasons


You must have heard that the news of heart attack is heard more in the winter season, due to the increase in cholesterol level in this season. Understand why this happens.


High Cholesterol In Winter: The winter season brings with it coolness, relief from heat and winter holidays, but there is also a risk of deterioration of health during this season. The problem of increasing cholesterol levels also becomes common in winters. This can prove to be dangerous for our heart health. Let's understand why cholesterol levels increase in winter and what are the main reasons for this.

Due to the cold in winter, people prefer to stay at home and there is a decrease in physical activity. By not exercising, the level of fat stored in the body increases, which can increase the level of bad cholesterol (LDL).

2. Oily foods: In the winter season, the desire for hot oily foods and spicy food increases. Things like samosas, pakoras, carrot pudding, parathas and non-veg items are eaten more, which are rich in fat and calories. These foods promote bad cholesterol in the body.

3. Sunlight and vitamin D deficiency

: There is less sunlight in winter, which can reduce the level of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D deficiency can worsen the cholesterol balance, as this vitamin helps in controlling cholesterol in the body.

4. Hormonal changes in winter:

There is a change in the hormonal level of the body during the winter season. To avoid cold, the body starts storing more energy, which can increase fat levels and affect cholesterol levels.

In winter, people prefer heavy and oily foods instead of vegetables and fruits. Lack of fiber can cause a rapid increase in cholesterol in the body.

How to avoid high cholesterol?

Cholesterol can be controlled by regular exercise, consumption of green vegetables and fruits, adequate sunlight and limited intake of fat-rich foods in winter. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and get cholesterol tests done if needed.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading our news. This news has been written only for the purpose of making you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing it. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then consult a doctor before adopting it.