Why are only red roses given to express love? What is the story behind it

There is a tradition of giving gifts and flowers on birthdays or marriages. But during Valentine's Week, most people give flowers and gifts to their partners. This week starts with Rose Day, in which people give roses to their partners. People also give roses to their partners while expressing love. In such a situation, some people must have this question in their mind why only roses are given to express love?
Although there is no dearth of variety of flowers and each flower has its own beauty which captivates the mind. But even then why is only rose flower given to express love? Where and when did this custom start? Let's find out
What is the story?
Red Rose is a symbol of respect and love and red color is considered a symbol of deep love. When couples express their love, they give each other red roses. There are many stories behind this. It is said that Mughal Begum Noor Jahan loved red roses very much. Therefore, to make Noor Jahan happy, Mughal ruler Jahangir used to give her a fresh rose flower every day. Apart from this, Queen Victoria gifted a bouquet of roses to her husband Prince Albert when she expressed her love. If some media reports are to be believed, Rose Day is being celebrated since then.
What is special about red rose?
Red rose is considered a symbol of love and beauty. Its specialty is that its color red, which is a symbol of energy, attraction, and deep love. Giving a red rose to someone expresses a deep feeling, and it is accepted as a symbol of true love, devotion, and respect. This flower expresses what is in your heart without words. In such a situation, every day during Valentine's Week, people express their love by giving red roses to their partners.