When will UPSC Prelims 2024 exam be held? Know complete information from syllabus to topics!

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2024 on 16 June 2024. Due to the Lok Sabha elections, UPSC has changed the date of the preliminary exam. Earlier this examination was conducted on 26 May. The revised schedule of the Union Public Service Commission examination has been released, which candidates can check on the official website of UPSC. Let us know about the pattern and syllabus of the UPSC CSE Prelims Exam.
Keep in mind that only the candidates who are successful in the preliminary examination will be eligible for the main examination. There are two papers in the preliminary exam and both are important. Candidates should note that for the purpose of evaluation, it is mandatory for them to appear in both the papers of the preliminary examination. If a candidate remains absent in both the papers of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, he is declared ineligible by the Commission.
What is the syllabus of Paper 1?
In the Paper 1 exam, questions are asked for 200 marks and the duration is 2 hours. It includes current events of national and international importance, the history of India and the Indian national movement, Indian and world geography-physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world, Indian politics and governance-constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, public policy, rights. Issues include questions related to economic and social development-sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demography, social sector initiatives, environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change.
What is the syllabus of Paper 2?
Paper II of the preliminary examination is a qualifying paper, where the qualifying marks are 33%. Apart from this, questions are asked of objective type. Candidates are given 2 hours for the exam of 200 marks. Paper 2 consists of interpersonal skills including communication skills, logical reasoning and analytical ability, decision-making and problem-solving, general mental ability, basic numeracy (numbers and their relationships, orders of magnitude, etc.), data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, Data Sufficiency) Questions are asked to the subjects.