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Eradicate back pain from the root! Do these 5 effective yoga asanas daily and see the miracle
Yoga is considered an effective and safe way to get relief from back pain. Wrong sitting posture, sitting for a long time or lifting heavy items often cause lower back pain. In such a situation, this pain can be relieved by adopting some special yoga asanas regularly. The five yoga asanas mentioned here help in relieving lower back pain.
Bhujangasana helps in strengthening the muscles of the waist and increases flexibility. To do this, lie on the stomach and place both palms near the shoulders and lift the upper part of the body. Take a deep breath and stay in this position for some time. This asana relieves tension in the lower back.
Shalabhasana helps to activate and strengthen the muscles of the lower groin. Lie down on your stomach, then raise both legs and hands together. Remain in this position and breathe deeply. Shalabhasana increases blood circulation in the lower waist and provides relief in pain.
Merkatasana brings flexibility in the spine and reduces back pain. Lie on the back and bend both knees and rotate the legs to one side. Also, turn the head in the opposite direction. This asana helps to relieve tension in the lower back.
Setu Bandhasana
Setu bandhasana increases strength and flexibility in the lower waist. Lie on the back and bend both knees and keep the feet on the ground. While exhaling, raise the waist and hips. Stay in this position for a while, then slowly come down.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana stretches the waist and spine and reduces pain. Sit and bend one leg and keep the other leg on the other side. Then hold the leg with the opposite hand and bend the waist. It helps in relieving back pain.