Vastu Tips: While lighting a lamp on Saturday, put this one special thing in it, luck will change, and money will rain heavily


Saturday is dedicated to Shani Dev. Shani is considered the most cruel god. He gives results to anyone based on their deeds. If someone has Shani Dosh or Shani Sade Sati, then he may have to face problems related to money and business in life. In such a situation, you should try some astrological remedies to please Shani Dev. By doing these remedies on Saturday, you will be success. 

When lighting a lamp, put this thing in it

A mustard oil lamp is lit on Saturday to please Lord Shani. You can put a clove in that lamp, it will change your luck. This will attract wealth. Along with this, the financial condition of the person also becomes strong. Regularly lighting a lamp in mustard oil pleases Lord Shani. 

Keep these things in mind too

Charity has a lot of importance in Hinduism. Therefore, you should donate many things. This will benefit you. Apart from this, feeding grains to birds is also considered very auspicious.

According to Vastu, if you sprinkle milk on the pan before making roti and then make roti, it keeps the house filled with wealth and prosperity. 

pc: indiatv