Vastu Tips: What happens by keeping a bowl of salt in the house safe?


In astrology and Vastu Shastra, it is believed that whatever you keep in the safe of your house should be kept according to Vastu and planets, so that auspiciousness remains in the house and inauspiciousness can be destroyed.

Benefits of keeping salt in the safe of the house: The safe of the house is not only considered a place to keep money but also the abode of Goddess Lakshmi. For this reason, it is believed in astrology and Vastu Shastra that whatever thing you keep in the safe of the house should be kept according to Vastu and planets, so that auspiciousness remains in the house and inauspiciousness can be destroyed. Also, the defects related to the place of keeping money can also be removed. Although there is a description of keeping many things in the safe of the house, but keeping salt is considered the most beneficial in astrology. In such a situation, let us know from astrologer Radhakant Vats what happens by keeping salt in the safe of the house.

Why should salt be kept in the house safe?

In astrology, salt is said to neutralise negative energy . It is believed that salt attracts negativity towards itself and increases the flow of positivity. Its salt also removes defects.

In such a situation, if a bowl of salt is kept in the safe of the house, then the defects that obstruct wealth start to go away. The financial condition starts to improve. Poverty, scarcity, burden of debt etc. all get destroyed from the house. There is monetary gain.

Apart from this, keeping a bowl of salt in the safe of the house also calms down the planets causing financial crisis. Apart from this, if family troubles are arising in the house due to the planets, then that also goes away.

If there is any obstacle in job or business, then it also goes away by keeping a bowl of salt in the safe of the house. The path of progress opens up in the job and business also grows.

You can also know through the information given in this article what benefits a person gets by keeping a bowl of salt in the safe of the house. If you have any questions related to our stories, then tell us in the comment box below the article. We will keep trying to bring the right information to you. If you liked this story, then definitely share it. Stay connected with NC to read similar stories.