This vegetable dissolves stones in 3 days and lumps in 1 day, it is no less than a boon for arthritis and hair too


Ridge gourd or ridge gourd is a type of vegetable and it is cultivated everywhere in India. According to nutrients, it can be compared to Nenua. Ridge gourd vegetable is used more in food during the rainy season. Ridge gourd is of two types, sweet and bitter. Its nature is cold and moist. Premature greying of hair has become a common thing these days. The reason for this is lifestyle. Not eating and drinking properly on time, not sleeping properly, eating junk food. Nowadays we are telling you such a remedy to make hair black, which can be easily done at home. Yes, ridge gourd can be used for such treatments. It also cures painful warts. Ridge gourd or ridge gourd is a vegetable that is grown almost all over India. The botanical name of ridge gourd is Luffa acutangula. Tribals use ridge gourds for the treatment of various diseases. The tribals of Central India eat it with great fondness as a vegetable and herbal experts also use it in many remedies. Let us know about some such interesting herbal remedies today. 

14 amazing benefits of Ridge gourd or ridge gourd or tori: 

Stone: Grind Ridge gourd vine in cow's milk or cold water and drink it every morning for 3 days, this will dissolve the stone and make it disappear.

Boil lump: Grind Ridge gourd root in cold water and apply it to the boil lump, this will make the boil disappear in 1 day.

Rashes: Rub Ridge gourd vine in cow's butter and apply it on the rash 2 to 3 times, it will give relief and the rash will start healing.

Burning urine: Ridge gourd is beneficial in curing burning urine and urinary disease.

Eye boils and swelling: In case of boils (pothki) in the eyes, extract the juice of fresh Ridge gourd leaves (Jhigani) and pour 2 to 3 drops in the eyes 3 to 4 times a day, it will give relief.

Blackening of hair: Grind the pieces of Ridge gourd after drying them in the shade. After this, mix it in coconut oil and keep it for 4 days, then boil it, filter it and fill it in a bottle. Applying this oil on hair and massaging the head with it makes the hair black.

Benefits in diabetes: Ridge gourd contains insulin-like peptides. Therefore, its use as a vegetable is beneficial in diabetes.

Relief from ringworm, scabies and itching: Grinding the leaves and seeds of Ridge gourd in water and applying it on the skin provides relief in diseases like ringworm, scabies and itching. It is also beneficial for leprosy.

Relieves stomach ache: Ridge gourd vegetable is a very effective treatment for indigestion and stomach problems. According to the Dangi tribals, half-cooked vegetable relieves stomach aches.

Piles (haemorrhoids): Constipation is cured by eating Ridge gourd vegetables and provides relief in piles. Boil bitter Ridge gourd and cook brinjal in its water. Fry brinjal in ghee and eat it to your heart's content with jaggery, it causes the painful and painful warts to fall off.

Arthritis (in knee pain): Consuming vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, ridge gourd, tinda, parwal etc. relieves knee pain.

Warts fall off: Finely chop half a kilo of ridge gourd and boil it in 2 litres of water, filter it. Then cook brinjal in the water obtained. After the brinjal is cooked, fry it in ghee and eat it with jaggery, the painful and painful warts formed in piles fall off.

Jaundice is cured: In case of jaundice, if 2 drops of ridge gourd fruit juice are put in the nose of the patient, then yellow-colored liquid comes out of the nose. Tribals believe that jaundice ends quickly due to this.

Beneficial for the liver: According to tribal information, continuous consumption of ridge gourd is very beneficial for health. Ridge gourd is considered very useful for blood purification. Also, it is beneficial for the liver. 

Please keep these things in mind: Ridge gourd produces phlegm and gas, so consuming it in excess can be harmful. Ridge gourd is heavy to digest and causes flatulence. In the rainy season, Ridge gourd greens are not beneficial for sick people.