This mixture of 3 medicines is the cure for these 18 incurable diseases, you will remain young even in old age, must read and share
Jan 16, 2025, 14:22 IST

➡ Ingredients required to make this miraculous medicine:
- 250 gms fenugreek seeds
- 100 gms Ajwain
- 50 grams black cumin (see below for more information)
➡ Method of preparing the medicine:
- Clean the above three things and lightly bake them (do not bake them too much). Mix them well and make powder in the mixer and fill it in a glass bottle or jar.
➡ Method of consumption :
- One teaspoon of powder should be taken with a glass of lukewarm water before going to bed at night. It is very important to take it with warm water and do not eat or drink anything after taking it. People of all ages can take this powder.
- By taking the powder daily, the dirt (waste) accumulated in every corner of the body will come out through stool and urine. The full benefit will be felt in 80-90 days, when the unwanted fat will melt away and new pure blood will circulate. The wrinkles of the skin will disappear automatically. The body will become radiant, energetic and beautiful.
➡ It is beneficial in these 18 incurable diseases:
- Arthritis will go away and stubborn diseases like arthritis will be cured.
- Bones will become stronger.
- Eye sight will improve.
- Hair will grow.
- Permanent relief from chronic constipation.
- Blood will start flowing in the body.
- Freedom from phlegm.
- The functioning capacity of the heart will increase.
- There will be no fatigue, you will keep running like a horse.
- Memory power will increase.
- After marriage, a woman's body will become beautiful instead of shapeless.
- Deafness of the ears will go away.
- Those who were taking allopathic medicines in the past will be free from side effects.
- Cleanliness and purity of blood will increase.
- All the blood vessels of the body will be purified.
- Teeth will become stronger, enamel will remain alive.
- Physical weakness will be removed and virile power will increase.
- Diabetes will remain under control, you have to continue taking the medicines for diabetes. The effect of this powder will start showing after taking it for two months. Life will become healthy, joyful, worry-free, energetic and life-enhancing. Life will become worth living.
- Note: Some people are considering Kalonji as black cumin, which is wrong. Black cumin is different which you will get from grocer or Ayurveda shop, whose name is like this.
- Hindi black cumin, karjira.
- Sanskrit Aranyajiraka, Katujiraka, Brihaspati.
- Marathi bitter gourd, bitter gourd.
- Gujarati Kadbunjiru, Kalijiri.
- Bengali Banjira.
- English Purple Fleabane.
If you cannot read this post completely, then definitely watch this video, you will easily understand the method of making and using this medicinal mixture.