These habits can cause hair loss, change them from today itself.

In today's time, hair fall is becoming a big problem. Many people are troubled by hair fall. To get rid of this, they adopt many types of remedies, use different types of shampoos, or get hair treatment done so that the hair becomes strong and breakage is reduced. But sometimes even after all this, hair fall does not reduce.
But have you ever tried to know the reason behind hair fall? Actually, hair fall can happen due to lack of any nutrients in the body, consumption of medicines, use of products with too many chemicals, or products that are not suitable for hair. There are many other habits that can cause hair fall, so it is important to change these habits to keep hair healthy.
Washing hair with hot water
In winter, most people bathe in warm water. However, excessively hot water can remove the natural oil present on the skin and scalp. Therefore, washing hair with excessively hot water can make hair dry and weak, due to which it can fall easily. Therefore, it is better to use lukewarm water instead of very hot water.
Unhealthy diet
Our body needs all kinds of nutrients, which we get from a proper diet. Therefore, it is very important to have a balanced diet. Due to a lack of any nutrients like protein, vitamin A, C, or iron in the body, hair-related problems such as hair fall, dry hair, and premature graying of hair can occur.
tying hair tight
Many people tie their hair very tightly. Due to this, there is a lot of pressure on the hair follicles, which can cause problems in hair growth. So do not tie your hair too tight as this can also cause headaches.
Stress can also cause hair loss. Being under too much stress can weaken the immunity system, which can damage the hair follicles. Due to this hair loss can occur. Therefore, try to manage stress. For this, adopt stress management techniques.