These 5 things suck the protein and calcium from the bones, these 3 remedies will fill life in hollow bones
Foods for Bones: According to Dr. Priyanka of AIIMS, ignoring bone health can cost you heavily. Some of the things you eat are weakening your bones.
The entire weight of the body rests on the bone structure, so it is very important for the bones to be strong and healthy. Apart from giving support and shape to the body, the job of bones is also to protect organs like the brain and lungs. It also stores minerals and produces red and white blood cells.
Overall, any kind of disorder or weakness in bones can make you dependent. If there is a defect in bones, you may have problems like osteoporosis, bone cancer, low bone density, bone infection, osteonecrosis and rickets in children.
According to Dr. Priyanka Sherawat, a neurologist at Delhi AIIMS , nutrients like calcium, protein and vitamin D are needed for better bone health. You get all these things from food. The worrying thing is that these three things are missing from people's food nowadays. Some things eaten daily cause serious damage to the bones. Below you will know which things eaten daily harm the bones and which remedies suggested by the doctor can fill life in the bones.
What things harm the bones
Excessive consumption of sweet foods
Excessive consumption of sweet things not only weakens the bones but is also a major cause of many serious diseases like diabetes. Although sugar does not have any direct negative effect on bones, damage to bones can occur when people consume too much sugar and run away from other things rich in nutrients.
Eating foods high in salt
According to a research published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2016, people in China who consumed more salty foods were at increased risk of osteoporosis. In this disease, bones become thin and lifeless.
Soda and Caffeine
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014 found that 73,000 women who drank soda had an increased risk of hip fractures. Similarly, a study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders in 2016 found that caffeine consumption was associated with lower bone density in women.
According to a study published in BMJ Open in 2015, those who consumed excessive amounts of alcohol had lower bone density. Alcohol consumption inhibits bone growth and increases the chances of fractures. Apart from these, excessive consumption of red meat is also harmful to bones.
What to do to strengthen bones?
Increase the intake of calcium-rich foods.
According to Dr. Priyanka Sherawat, a neurologist at Delhi AIIMS , the body needs 500 to 1000mg calcium daily. To meet the calcium deficiency, you should consume more foods like milk, curd, soybean, cheese and ragi.
Do not let there be a deficiency of vitamin D
The doctor said that along with calcium, vitamin D is also necessary to make bones strong. It increases the absorption of calcium. You can get it from sunlight but many food items like many types of fish, oranges and dairy products also contain a good amount of it.
Do the exercise
To promote bone health, you should exercise regularly. This gives life to the bones. Also keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.