These 3 diseases are completely eradicated by eating ripe papaya for just 10 days


You must have eaten papaya at some time or the other. You can call papaya both a vegetable and a fruit. When papaya is raw, people eat it as a vegetable. Whereas when papaya is ripe, it is eaten as a fruit. If you don't know, then let me tell you that ripe papaya has more properties than all fruits. Therefore, if you consume papaya regularly, then your body remains away from many diseases.

  • Papaya is also good for hair and skin. Papaya is also used as a salad. So let's see what are the benefits of papaya and how it can be used. Papaya is not just a fruit, it is also a medicine because it provides health benefits from stomach to heart. Papaya is a fruit which is eaten both in raw and ripe form. The best thing is that papaya contains many types of vitamins, if consumed regularly, there is never a deficiency of vitamins in the body. It is also very beneficial for a sick person. It is easily absorbed and provides a lot of benefits to the body. A substance called papain is found in papaya which is used to digest non-vegetarian food. It is also very helpful in digesting food.
  • Papaya is a fruit that is easily digestible. Papaya increases appetite and strength. It cures diseases like spleen, liver, jaundice etc. Eating papaya is beneficial to cure stomach diseases. Consumption of papaya improves the digestive system. Papaya juice cures diseases like lack of appetite, insomnia, headache, constipation and dysentery etc. Consuming papaya juice stops acidity (sour belching). Papaya cures stomach diseases, heart diseases, intestinal weakness etc. Eating raw or ripe papaya as a vegetable is beneficial for the stomach. The use of papaya leaves is beneficial in high blood pressure and regulates the heartbeat.

Benefits of eating ripe papaya: 

  1. For mothers and sisters:  Women should definitely consume papaya during their periods. The properties found in papaya maintain the menstrual cycle and also help in reducing stomach pain during that period.
  2. Eyesight:  Ripe papaya is rich in vitamins A and C. Consuming it daily for 10 days improves eyesight and also protects against diseases that occur with increasing age.
  3. Obesity:  If you are overweight and want to reduce your weight, then definitely include ripe papaya in your diet.  By eating ripe papaya continuously for just 10 days,  you will start seeing a difference in your body.
  4. Heart disease-  Papaya contains antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. These antioxidants prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the body, which prevents heart disease. Apart from this, it contains fibre which keeps cholesterol in the blood under control.
  5. For the digestive system-  Papaya juice contains an element called 'papain', which is very helpful in digesting food. It has the property of clearing diarrhoea and urine. People who always complain of constipation should consume papaya regularly.
  6. Prevents ageing-  Who would want to grow old before time? Papaya prevents this. By eating this fruit, our body easily absorbs all the nutrition from the food, which fulfils its requirement. Now if all the necessary nutrients go into the body, it will keep looking young for years.
  7. Pimples and Acne:  It is also used in cosmetics. Applying ripe papaya pulp on the face helps prevent acne and blemishes. It removes dryness of the skin and prevents wrinkles. Therefore, its use is very beneficial in removing blemishes from the face.
  8. Cancer-  Papaya has anti-cancer properties. Vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin E present in it prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. That is why you should include papaya in your diet every day.
  9. For eyes-  Papaya is beneficial in eye diseases because it contains vitamin A in abundance. Its consumption cures night blindness (not being able to see at night) and improves eyesight. Papaya purifies the blood, cures jaundice, is beneficial in irregular menstruation and helps in enhancing beauty.
  10. Ringworm:  Ringworm can be cured by extracting the milk from papaya and applying it to the affected area for a few days.
  11. Spleen disease:  A patient suffering from spleen disease should consume papaya daily. This cures spleen disease.
  12. Liver disease:  If the liver of small children is bad, then they should be fed papaya daily. Papaya gives strength to the liver. It also cures all stomach diseases. Eating papaya and apples cures liver problems in children.
  13. Constipation:  The constipation problem is cured by eating raw papaya or ripe papaya. The patient suffering from constipation should drink papaya milk every morning. This cures constipation and clears the stomach. Constipation problem is cured by eating papaya after meals. Mix 50 grams of celery in papaya milk and ginger juice and dry it in the shade. After drying, take half a teaspoon of it with water immediately after meals. This cures constipation. It also cures gas formation, burning sensation in throat and chest, loss of appetite, itching of the anus etc.
  14. Intestinal worms:  Grind 10 papaya seeds in water mix it in a quarter cup of water and drink it continuously for about 7 days. It eliminates the intestinal worms.
  15. For physical strength and height of children:  Children who have short height or weak body, should be fed papaya daily.
  16. Indigestion:  Taking half a teaspoon of raw papaya milk with sugar every day relieves indigestion.
  17. Chronic itching:  Adding papaya milk and borax in boiling water and applying it to the itching area cures ringworm itching.
  18. Fistula disease:  Applying a paste made from papaya leaf juice mixed with opium helps in getting rid of the fissure quickly.
  19. Heart disease:  Drinking decoction of papaya leaves every day cures heart disease. Its consumption relieves anxiety. In case of a weak heart and a fast pulse due to fever, decoction of papaya leaves should be consumed. Boiling papaya leaves in water and drinking the filtered water is beneficial for heart disease.
  20. To enhance beauty:  Peel and grind ripe papaya and apply it on the face. After 15-20 minutes of applying it, when it dries, wash the face with water and clean the face thoroughly with a thick towel. After this, apply sesame or coconut oil on the face. By using it in this way, within 1 to 2 weeks, the spots, blemishes and acne on the face are cured and the face becomes beautiful. It also removes wrinkles and dark circles from the face. 
  21. Make your waist slim and shapely: To make your waist beautiful and shapely, young girls should eat papaya every day for a few months. This makes the waist slim and shapely. 
  22. Skin soft, smooth and supple: Mix 10 grams of papaya pulp, 10 drops of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of rose water and 10 ml of tomato juice and apply it on the face and other parts of the body. After applying the paste, clean the face with lukewarm water for 15 to 20 minutes. By using it for a few days, the skin becomes soft, smooth and supple.
  23. Blood is formed: If there is anaemia, the patient should eat papaya every day. This improves digestion and blood is formed.
  24. Obesity: Eating about 300 grams of papaya every day reduces obesity.
  25. Dry and wrinkled facial skin: To prevent dry and wrinkled facial skin, one should eat papaya daily.
  26. Glow on the face: To improve the complexion of the face, mix one cup of papaya juice and one cup of guava juice and drink it twice a day. This brings a glow on the face in a few days.
  27. Skin diseases: For all skin diseases, mixing papaya juice, carrot juice and spinach juice in equal quantity and drinking it twice a day cures the skin disease.
  28. Facial acne, pimples, freckles: To remove facial acne, pimples, freckles, etc., mix ripe papaya and potato juice and apply it on the face 2-3 times a day. This removes facial acne, pimples and freckles.
  29. The oily layer of the face: The chemical element found in papaya is very beneficial in removing the oily layer on the face. Take the pulp from inside a fully ripe papaya and make a paste of it, rub the paste of papaya pulp on the face for 15 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water after some time. If the skin is dry, then mix rose water, sandalwood powder and turmeric in papaya pulp and apply it as a paste. And later wash it with cold water.
  30. Piles: By continuously applying papaya milk on piles for about a month, the piles warts dry up and fall off.
  31. Bloody or Badi Piles: In case of bloody or badi piles, one should eat half a kilo of papaya twice a day. This cures both types of piles.
  32. Menstrual disorders: Mixing 100 ml of papaya juice, 100 grams of carrot juice and 50 grams of pineapple juice and drinking it every morning and evening helps in relieving menstrual disorders.
  33. Acidity (sour belching): Eat 250 grams of ripe papaya with rock salt, and black pepper and squeeze some lemon twice a day. This stops sour belching. It digests food and increases appetite.
  34. Joint pain: To get rid of muscle pain and joint pain, heat the papaya leaf and tie or foment it from the smooth side. This cures joint and muscle pain.
  35. In case of tonsils: In case of enlarged tonsils and pain in the throat, gargling with 1 teaspoon of papaya milk mixed in 1 glass of warm water gives instant relief.
  36. Spleen diseases: If the spleen is enlarged, giving papaya juice in the amount of one cup 3 times a day to the patient cures the enlargement of the spleen. In malaria fever also, vomiting etc. caused by fever stops immediately by drinking papaya juice or eating papaya. Regular consumption of papaya cures the enlargement of the spleen.
  37. Bone fracture: Mixing one cup of papaya juice, half a cup of carrot juice and half a cup of amla juice and drinking it twice a day helps in healing bone fractures and provides relief from pain.
  38. Nausea or vomiting: One cup of papaya juice and half a cup each of pomegranate, orange, pineapple and tomato juice. Mixing all these together and drinking it stops nausea or vomiting.
  39. High blood pressure: 1 cup of papaya juice, half cup each of carrot and orange juice and 2 teaspoons each of basil and garlic juice. Mixing all these and consuming them twice a day for a few days normalizes high blood pressure. Patients suffering from high blood pressure should consume papaya daily.
  40. Glass coming out (Anal Prolapse): Grinding papaya leaves and mixing them with water and applying it to the anal prolapse cures it.
  41. Diarrhoea: Eating boiled raw papaya cures the problem of repeated diarrhoea.
  42. Kidney stones: Grind 6 grams of papaya root mix it with 50 grams of water and drink it every morning and evening for 21 days. This will dissolve the stones and they will be eliminated.
  43. Weakness of digestion: Cutting a ripe papaya adding black pepper powder to it and eating it daily cures the weakness of digestion. Cooking a vegetable of raw papaya and eating it strengthens the digestive power.
  44. Liver disease: Dry papaya seeds and make fine powder and mix this powder in the amount of 3 grams with half lemon juice and consume it twice a day. This cures liver disease. Mixing 2 teaspoons of raw papaya juice with sugar provides relief in liver and spleen disease.
  45. Diabetes: Drinking decoction of papaya, catechu, khair and betelnut is beneficial in diabetes. Grind 20 grams papaya, 5 grams catechu and betelnut together and then prepare decoction and consume it. This cures diabetes.
  46. Plague disease: Grated papaya should be given to the patient suffering from plague disease in the quantity of approximately one-fourth of 1 gram in the morning and evening. This stops bleeding in urine.
  47. Intestinal worms: Consuming 5 to 7 papaya seeds with fresh water for 5 days cures the pain caused by stomach worms as the worms die. Grinding 10 to 15 papaya seeds in water and eating them for 7 days is beneficial.
  48. Stomach ache: Eating papaya by adding black pepper, lemon juice and rock salt gives relief to abdominal (stomach) pain caused due to constipation (gas).
  49. Cracked heels: Dry and grind papaya peels and make powder. Then add glycerin to this powder and apply it on cracked heels and feet twice a day, it gives quick relief.
  50. Fast heartbeat: Churn papaya pulp and mix 2 cloves powder in 100 grams of pulp and consume it. This makes the heartbeat normal.
  51. Cholera: Cholera can be cured by rubbing papaya in water or rose water and then licking it.
  52. Skin diseases: Drinking 2 teaspoons of raw papaya juice in the morning and evening cures all skin diseases.
  53. Itching of nails: Itching of nails can be cured by applying raw papaya juice to the nails.
  54. Jaundice: Eating ripe papaya or making vegetables from raw papaya and eating it is beneficial for jaundice.
  55. Numbness of the body: Grind custard apple and papaya seeds and mix them in sesame oil. Applying this oil to numb body parts will give relief from the disease.
  56. Anaemia: Eating 200 grams of papaya pulp daily for 20 days continuously removes anaemia in the body.
  57. Acne: Applying papaya milk on the face daily cures acne.
  58. Enlargement of tonsils: Cut the green part of raw papaya extract its milk put one spoon of milk in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle. This cures the enlargement of the tonsils.

Harmful effects of excessive papaya consumption:

  • Raw or ripe papaya should not be consumed during pregnancy. Women who menstruate excessively should also not consume papaya. Raw papaya is harmful to patients with diabetes, leprosy and hemorrhoids. Consuming papaya seeds can cause abortion.
