Tarot Health Predictions for the year 2025 ! How about we come to know our Health and do remedies beforehand to shift the energies to make the prediction change if needed ?


That’s one of the benefits we get from Tarot. So go ahead look up your Health Reading according to your Sun Signs. These Readings come specially from the deck of Master Tarot Reader and Healer Rudrakshi Rathour and are General Readings, for Personal Reading get in touch with us. 

Special care needed by the Sun-signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio for the year 2025.

Tarot Reveals -

♈️Aries (March 21 - April 19) -

Page of Wands

This comes as a sign of action taking on your part whether it is physically, mentally or spiritually. 

If you’ve been trying to come out of a sickness or depression or anxiousness then it’s time you take some action with the starting of the New Year by planning and starting with a new exercise schedule which may help you come out of this state. 

This year is very auspicious to start or develop in the journey of Spiritually. Whatever small start you make it will help you to prosper more in life. Take guidance from a mentor, Tarot, pray, meditate or practice Reiki to maintain your health. 

♉️Taurus (April 20 - May 20) -

 The Devil + Wings

This might indicate that you may be over indulging yourself in something which might lead to a decline in your overall well-being. Maybe a picking up on a wrong habit which is not in your best interest or lack of self care can have a wrong impact on body or mind. 

Do not get into a cycle of self doubt and self criticism as it can be extremely toxic.

Just like how we want others to treat us, so should we treat ourselves with kindness. 

Get out of the cage and learn how to fly otherwise don’t hesitate to take help if you have anxiety or feeling depressed. 

♊️Gemini (May 21 - June 21) -

Ace of Cups

This comes to tell you that 2025 will bring new beginnings in your life which may be pregnancy who are aiming for it or a situation improvement in the fertility issues . 

People who were facing any physical or emotional issues will get a new spark of energy which will put them on a speedy road to recovery. Things will become rosy very soon in the health aspect. 

The guidance comes to invest in your health this year to learn more about your body. 

♋️Cancer (June 22 - July 22) -

Knight of Cups

This is a good omen for Health in 2025 as you will be emotionally very stable and secure. If you were going through a sickness then this seems to bring in fresh luck 🍀 for Health tests coming positive and in your favour. 

Very soon you will be on the road to recovery and be at a good position than you expected. 

Be grateful and enjoy the feeling.

♌️Leo (July 23 - August 22) -

Page of Swords 

This is with respect to Health -

This is the right time to guide you for 2025, to make you understand that the Law of Attraction works on the principle of our thoughts, as our thoughts attract our reality. Build on a positive, confident mindset focusing on why you desist and not on what you lack and then you will attract the good things. 

If you were suffering an illness then this is your recovery news and the past injury or illness will finally heal but do not overwork yourself and take care of your health to fully recover. 

♍️Virgo (August 23 - September 22) -

The Tower + Clover

Even though this may indicate sudden illness, deep depression or loss in pregnancy, you need to accept the facts and instead of thinking of what can’t be changed, think of what can be done to make this different. 

Advice - Youve been carrying the burden of guilt for far too long and it’s now negatively impacting all facets of your life and making it difficult to function. 

You’ve come to crossroads where you need to choose a direction, either make repair or move ahead in life and release yourself from the cage of negativity that you have built for yourself. 

♎️Libra (September 23 - October 23) -

9 of Pentacles 

This New Year connect with your inner self and get to know yourself to understand what is truly important for you and what gets you emotional satisfaction which in turn makes you stress free. 

Only when you know these aspects of yourself you will gift yourself mental and physical stability. This will help you cater to issues like fertility issues and any ailments. 

This brings in a positive shift in your condition leading to personal growth and independence.

♏️Scorpio (October 24 - November 21) -

5 of Swords + Sundress 

This may foretell a possible illness due to a habit of not taking care of yourself or not communicating with your doctor effectively.

The point is that you would need to put up a big fight with this illness and you will emerge as a winner if you remain focused on recovery.

When it comes to healing and recovery, make sure you are doing for yourself and not for someone else as being too dependent only gives you disappointment if they leave, so make yourself the reason to heal back. you are important. 

♐️Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - 

2 of Pentacles 

This comes to guide you for 2025 to do whatever you have to do to maintain a balance for body and mind. 

Make yourself a priority to set your balanced diet, exercise, good sleep, meditation and self care to keep your health in a positive shape. 

You need to provide for harmony in both self care and your daily life as providing for an equal balance to your health is also of utmost importance. 

If you only choose one aspect and decide to give it your full attention then it might lead to imbalance and might need care later. 

♑️Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) 

The Magician 

2025 brings in success while trying to handle emotional and physical health issues. By being resourceful and taking advantage of the help available, you will be able to use the right ways to heal yourself from an ongoing physical health problem. 

You will be at that phase where you will learn to take care of your mind and body in the manner that it might seem like a magician getting significant improvement in health.

♒️Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) -

The World 

You will definitely be at a good place where health is concerned as this means health improvement and if any health concerns were there , then they are likely to improved and you will overcome the issues. 

So when you are in the blossom of health and recovery you will be in a position to choose from alternative health care options.

♓️Pisces (February 19 - March 20) -

Wheel of Fortune 

Strength and energy are coming your way and the same goes for physical and mental health.

This comes to remind you the cyclical nature of our life and that sometimes you’ll be in the best of health and sometimes it might be the other way around. But nothing remains the same and things do change for the better if you are unwell. 

The advice is to offer gratitude for the times that it is on the positive side and is on upswing. 

About the Author - 

🍀 These Tarot Readings come from the deck of Ms. Rudrakshi Rathour who is a vibrant Tarot Reader, Healer and a Holistic Development Life Coach.

🍀This Guidance comes well in advance to prepare you for the different ways you can handle the situations which may arise for you in your Health  in the near future for the year 2025.

🍀Working on your self is very important to lead a fulfilling and happy life and being aware is the first step. 

🍀The second step is to modify wherever required to reach your optimal level and healing from within helps you in levelling up your game. 

🍀I sincerely hope this resonates with you as it’s a collective reading and for more specific readings you can book a personal reading session with me. 

🍀Helping you to navigate through your ever changing life journeys with a lot of interest and pleasure in deciphering your life for yourself.

Connect with Rudrakshi on Instagram: @rudrakshi_readings