Tarot Career Predictions for the Year 2025… Get set go …
Tarot Career Predictions for the Year 2025… Get set go …as the year end draws nearer we bring to you the details of Career opportunities of each Sun Sign through the tarot predictions which come straight from the intuition of Master Tarot Reader and Healer Rudrakshi Rathour.
As we know 2025 is the Manifesting year and a little of those manifestations are about to happen as we unravel the news -
The good news for the Sun signs of Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces who will have reason to celebrate in their careers which may be due to success in partnership for some and increase in monetary gains for some, emotional satisfaction in the job front for some or otherwise.
Go ahead and read up in detail about the career predictions for each Sun Sign….
Tarot Reveals -
♈️Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Knight of Swords
Even though this may indicate a job loss or forced career change, understand that this would be good for you in the long run. As you are full on determination and will to succeed and fully focused to achieve your goals, you will have the courage to face the storm and you will cross the hurdles and challenges that might be ahead of you in this coming year ahead.
Advice -So the correct way would be to show resilience and face these challenges head on as you embrace the change which is due, and seize the opportunity which will take you to the glorious success.
♉️Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The Fool
Advice - This comes specially to give you a go ahead to go for that new job or promotion or a new project that you were looking for. Start your dream business if you’ve been wanting to and were waiting for a green signal. Be open to new ideas and don’t let the fear hold you back and stop you from following your heart even if it means relocating to a new state or country since sky is the limit for you and will bring in Financial success with your spontaneity.
For projects you’ll be sparked with innovative ideas and new energy.
♊️Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
2 of Cups
Get set to meet a new person or existing one who you haven’t yet seen in the business perspective , who will be on the same page as you and you both can create a wonderful partnership where you both share same objectives and who will push each other towards success.
This could lead to a business partnership, a mentor or an investor who will help you reach to another level in your career.
In finance this could mean an investment idea coming from someone which could mean profit for you. So the coming year will bring in beneficial investments through a reliable person who will come your way and will be trustworthy.
Advice -If proper teamwork and study is done this investment may turn out to be very fruitful.
♋️Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
7 of Cups
Have you been considering making a big move or changing careers?
This might also come as a surprise for you and things may enfold without your knowledge. This comes as a pre-awareness, If you’re planning to start a business then the opportunity to start one is about to present itself, but there will be a lot of options which are suddenly going to spring up, so many to make you confused which one to choose. Go through all the options and take an informed decision based on research and your intuition while also keeping in mind that “All that glitters is not gold” and also which will be more beneficial in the long run.
Advice - The point is that choose a wise option by carefully considering all pros and cons and the study on the risks involved.
All in all a year bringing you a plethora of choices and decisions to make….
♌️Leo (July 23 - August 22)
King of wands
You have what it takes to succeed in life and know how to stay true to yourself, a natural born leader you know how to achieve your goals. This is a wonderful omen for the next year as You seem to be ready this year to step up in the workplace and take action when needed.
Advice - Use your wisdom and focus to ensure your success in the year of 2025. The finances seem to be balanced and you are able to save and spend wisely.
The big purchase that you seem to be wanting to make or investment into something or a promotion would be a wise decision, so after weighing your actions plunge in your decisions.
♍️Virgo (August 23 -September 22)
10 of Cups
Things look good in career for the next year. Your collaboration with your teammates will be seamless and you will get along with everyone in the workplace. If you would need help to complete a target then take help as your coworkers would only help you reach your full potential.
So 2025 is all about rewards and completion and fulfilment after your long hard work.
Advice - Someone close like a friend or family might approach you for a lucrative investment proposal , which could turn out to be an excellent opportunity for you so after giving it careful research, take the plunge and grab the benefits as they are incurred.
♎️Libra (September 23 - October 23)
The Tower
Advice - This comes to prewarn you and help you understand that steps can be taken to help you deal with this situation which may arise for you in 2025. Get in touch with us for the remedies that can be done to change the energies which are at present looming for you in your career.
2025 - This may indicate a loss of job, unemployment or a very stressful work environment for you and in business might be failure out of nowhere.
Be careful with the finances and save now ahead of time as it could mean financial loss, legal troubles so it’s not a time for overspending.
Be a little conservative and wade through this difficult time as things after this fall will definitely change for better and will not remain like this forever.
♏️Scorpio (October 24 - November 21)
Queen of Pentacles + 7 of Pentacles
Advice - This comes to suggest to you that if you keep a nurturing and practical approach to work and home equally while paying attention to your self development also the coming year will work wonders for your growth.
An approach to merge your passion with your career will help in thriving in the business or career you choose.
Lay down the investment options carefully and then decide where and how much to put in , also the advise comes to not put the whole lot at one place while putting in money somewhere.
You will soon reap the benefits of your hard work and will have to handle your finances most appropriately.
♐️Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
3 of Cups
2025 will bring in appraisals for increase in sales , or a big contract in your Kitty, or ace an evaluation or get a promotion, but something definitely which calls for a celebration.
There will be positivity around at the work place where your dedication and productivity will be recognised by your seniors or co workers. Be sure to celebrate as this is your hard work which will be paid off.
Financially, the project that you might be working on or otherwise, will get you success which will lead to all money worries to get over. But be careful on spending on celebration as that might again get you on the wrong side.
Advice - Spending wisely is the key to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
♑️Capricorn (December 22 -January 19)
9 of Cups
This is a beautiful forecast for the year 2025 for you people as this is that year for you where you can dream big and that big dream and goal will come true. If you’ve been thinking about starting a business then this is the omen you should be looking for as this comes to tell you that everything that you start will reap in benefits and fulfilment.
You will reach new heights at work whether it is in the form of a raise, promotion, new contract, business venture or investment payoff , it will come to you and you deserve it.
Advice - In finances be sure to put your finances wisely with informed decisions and then you can be sure to get a high return.
This amount of money could change your life as it is a wish fulfilment year for you, so take full advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself to you.
♒️Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Queen of Cups
This comes to tell you that you need to consider whether your Job is giving you that emotional satisfaction or not and if you are not getting the emotional contentment from your current career then you need to walk away and only then will you be able to grasp the opportunities lying ahead of you.
In financial matters it advises you to be vigilant in spending and saving money for long term success.
Advice - If you get stuck then listen to your inner voice and act according to your heart to get to the solution where logical solutions don’t seem to be working.
♓️Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
4 of Wands
2025 is about an unexpected promotion or a sudden success or a reward which comes out of the blue.
If you have been working really hard to move up the ladder then you have reached half way and so don’t forget to make beneficial connections and professional relationships with others, as these only will help you land up with a big contract, a big job or a financial bonus.
Celebrate the success when you land the financial success as your monetary situations are about to improve due to the hard work that you have put in.
Advice - So take time to take a day off to celebrate as these are important in the constant hard work that we put in so a pat on your back with your near and dear ones at the right time is a must.
About the Author -
🍀 These Tarot Readings come from the deck of Ms. Rudrakshi Rathour who is a vibrant Tarot Reader, Healer and a Holistic Development Life Coach.
🍀This Guidance comes well in advance to prepare you for the different ways you can handle the situations which may arise for you in your career in the near future for the year 2025.
🍀Working on your self is very important to lead a fulfilling and happy life and being aware is the first step.
🍀The second step is to modify wherever required to reach your optimal level and healing from within helps you in levelling up your game.
🍀I sincerely hope this resonates with you as it’s a collective reading and for more specific readings you can book a personal reading session with me.
🍀Helping you to navigate through your ever changing life journeys with a lot of interest and pleasure in deciphering your life for yourself.
Rudrakshi Rathour
For personalized readings, connect with Rudrakshi Rathour on Instagram: @rudrakshi_readings