Such a way to clean your stomach without any effort that your face will bloom like a lotus flower, you will become a fan of this tip of Premanand Baba
Premanand Tips for Stomach Cleaning: There is hardly any person who has never had a stomach problem. Most people are such that they have to deal with some stomach problems all the time. Some have the problem of bloating, some have the problem of gas in the stomach, and some have problems of acidity and heartburn. The biggest problem among these is constipation. If constipation occurs, it spoils the entire system of the body. In constipation, the water of the body dries up and bloating, acidity, heartburn, as well as piles, are caused by it. If the stomach is not fine, then it causes harm to the body but the mind also never remains clean. In such a situation, if the remedies suggested by Vrindavan Rasik Saint Shiromani Premanand Maharaj Ji for cleaning the stomach are followed, then your face will bloom like a lotus flower.
Rules in scriptures for stomach
Premanand Maharaj said that food is both nectar and poison. Therefore it is very important to control food intake. If you eat anything and everything under the influence of cravings then your stomach will never be fine. If you eat heavy food then not only your stomach will be upset but your mind will also be upset. Therefore the first rule is that you should eat only as much as your body needs. People who work very hard need more food. If you do not do hard work then your body does not need that much food. If you do less hard work then your body needs less food. For this, there is a principle in the scriptures. Fill half the space in the stomach with food. Now fill half of the remaining half with water and leave half for air. If you do not leave space for air then this air will spread in your entire body and the stool will not come out of the intestines.
What to do to avoid stomach upset?
Premanand Maharaj said that your first effort should be to ensure that your stomach never gets upset. For this, eat satvik food. Eat in limited quantities. Eat market food as little as possible. Eat food three times a day but in small quantities. Now the second rule to keep the stomach clean is that the first thing to do after waking up in the morning is to heat half a liter of water and sit in Vajrasana posture. Then sit in this posture for 10 to 15 minutes drink water and then go to the toilet. When you drink water, drink it on an empty stomach, without gargling. If you follow this rule, there is no chance of stomach upset. Also, keep in mind that you must drink at least three liters of water a day. If you drink enough water, dirt will not form in the intestines. The stool will not be hard and you will never have the problem of constipation. When the stomach is clean, the mind will also be clean and your face will bloom like a lotus flower.
What to do if the stomach is not clean?
Now the question is what to do if the stomach is not clean. Premanand Bawa said that first of all you should eat less and eat good food. Eat homemade food. Eat as much salad as you can. Do not eat heavy food. Control your tongue. And if the stomach is not clean then walk a lot, do exercise, mix one spoon of small myrobalan and one spoon of isabgol husk in milk and eat it every night before sleeping. This is such a remedy which will not have immediate effect but if you do it continuously for a month then your stomach will remain clean forever throughout your life. The most important thing is that you should not have constipation. For this start eating satvik food. Stop eating outside food increase the consumption of green vegetables and adopt this remedy at night. Then see, both your mind and intellect will remain calm. You will always be happy and your face will shine like a lotus flower. If your stomach remains clean then you will not get any diseases.