Social Media Tips: Save your social media account from hackers, this trick will help you..

Nowadays every second internet user is using a social media account. In such a situation, seeing the increasing number of social media account users, hackers have also become active. The social media account user does not even get a clue and his account also gets hacked. Hackers hack the account of the social media account user and then demand money from the user. If you also use platforms like Facebook and Instagram, then it is always advisable to be alert about the security of these accounts. According to a report, about 53 lakh accounts have been hacked in India in 2023. If some things are taken care of, then you can save your social media account from being hacked.
Hackers should not use your account
Keep checking all social media accounts from time to time. Many times social media accounts are opened on other devices apart from the phone. We log in to the account but forget to log out of it. In such a situation, you should know where your account is logged in. Similarly, with this setting, it can also be known whether your account is logged in to a device that does not belong to you.
On how many devices is the social media account logged in?
First of all, you have to open the Instagram app.
Now you have to tap on the profile icon on the bottom right corner.
Now you have to tap on the three-line menu icon on the top right corner.
Now you have to tap on Account Centre.
Now you have to tap on Password And Security.
Now you have to tap on Where You're Logged In.
Now, below the Instagram and Facebook IDs, apart from the current device, information about the extra device will appear as (+10 More).
Now you have to tap on Instagram and Facebook IDs.
Here you will get information about all the devices along with the date, whenever you log in and leave the account.
Now you have to tap on Select Devices To Log Out.
Select all the devices one by one and tap on Log Out.
By doing this, your account will be visible only on the current device with the logged-in.
Let us tell you that both Facebook and Instagram are Meta apps, so this setting works for two apps from the same app. This is how you can take care of the security of Instagram as well as Facebook from Instagram itself.
PC Social media