Situationship has become very popular among Gen Z, know what are the problems of this relationship


Situationship has become very popular among Gen Z, know what are the problems of this relationship


You often read or hear about 'situationship' on social media, which is becoming quite popular among the youth, but this type of relationship has its own problems, which are not good for your mental and emotional health. 

What Is Situationship: With the changing nature of relationships, 'situationship' is becoming very popular among the young generation and Gen-Z. Many people do not understand this new term. Actually, this is a relationship which is neither a complete friendship nor a serious love, it can be seen as a temporary situation, where both people are attracted to each other, but avoid any kind of commitment. 

There is often an atmosphere of hesitation and uncertainty in 'situationship'. The people involved spend quality time with each other, share their emotions, but do not want to give any name. This situation can sometimes put a person into tension or depression, because one-sided love or expectations may not match the reality of the relationship.

How to avoid situationship?

1. Talk Clearly

To avoid situationism, it is most important to clear your emotions and thoughts at the beginning of the relationship so that there is no confusion. Be sure to ask your partner if this is what he or she wants.

2. Set your limits

If you are looking for a serious relationship, tell your partner about your limits. This will help you understand what they want.

3. Take care of your emotions

If you feel that you are getting caught in a situationship, take care of your emotional health. If you are feeling unsafe at any time, you should reconsider your relationship.

4. Don't waste time

If you are spending time with someone, decide how long you want to continue it. This will help you understand where the relationship is headed. If nothing positive is happening, don't waste time in this relationship.

5. Give yourself preference

The most important thing is that you give priority to yourself. Keep your happiness and mental health a priority. If a relationship is not making you happy, then do not hesitate to leave it.