'Silent dehydration' can become a problem in humid weather, how to recognize its symptoms?


Dehydration is a dangerous medical condition that occurs when there is a lack of water in our bodies, but can you easily recognize the symptoms of 'silent dehydration'? 

Silent Dehydration Symptoms: In hot and humid weather, the body often lacks water, which is called dehydration, which is why health experts often recommend drinking as much fluids as possible in such weather. But do you know what is called 'silent dehydration' and what danger it can pose to you?


By avoiding silent dehydration...

Dr. Manan Vora told through a video on his Instagram account, "On warm summer days, it is important that you quench your thirst by drinking fluids immediately. 'Mild dehydration' can be managed by increasing fluid intake, but not every fluid contains electrolytes. And if you lose water through natural processes like breathing or sweating, it will lead you to 'silent dehydration'.

What is called 'silent dehydration'?

'Silent dehydration' is the phase where your body lacks electrolytes and your overall energy is low, whether you feel thirsty or not. This is a type of hidden dehydration that harms your health without your knowledge, and it is especially common in India as many places here have a hot and humid climate.

How to recognize the symptoms?

'Silent dehydration' can be difficult to identify because its symptoms are often less noticeable, and they appear in isolation. This is why they are ignored. Some common signs of this problem are as follows- 


-Yellow urine




Which people are more at risk?

According to Dr. Manan Vohra, the high risk group includes young people, diabetes patients, athletes, people who have to work outside in the harsh sun and those who do not consume fluids regularly and do not improve their resources.

'Just drinking water is not enough'

Water is an essential fluid for you, but sometimes it is not enough, in such a situation you should try some beverages that contain electrolytes, which will increase the electrolyte level in your body and also improve the energy level. In this way you will be able to beat 'silent dehydration'.