Recipe Tips: Make Garlic Cheese Toast at home with this easy method, your heart will be happy after tasting it.


Today we are going to tell you an easy method of making Garlic Cheese Toast at home. Its taste will make your heart happy. With this easy-to-make dish, you can please your family members on weekends. It is also very beneficial for health.

Ingredients Required:

Bread – 11 slices

Butter – 6 tbsp

Cheddar cheese – 4 cups

Garlic powder – 4 tbsp

You can prepare it in this way:

First of all, mix garlic powder and cheese well in a vessel.

Now apply cheese-garlic mixture on one side of all the bread slices and connect the two slices of bread together.

Now heat the pan, place bread toast on it and bake until the cheese melts and the bread turns golden brown.

In this way your Cheese Garlic Toast is made.

PC: lifeberry

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