Recipe- Sweeten your loved ones with a Cashew Pista Roll, the recipe is very easy!


pc:life berries

Many people like the taste of Cashew Pista Roll but to date, you might have bought it from outside and eaten it. You can easily make it at home also. You too can enjoy it and make all the members happy with it. These can also be served to guests.


750 grams Cashews

300 grams Pistachios

800 grams of Sugar Cubes

5 grams of Cardamom Powder

Silver Leaf


First of all, soak the cashew nuts. Then remove the peel from the pistachios.

Now grind both separately and make a paste.

Mix 650 grams of sugar in cashew nuts and 150 grams of sugar in the pistachio mixture.

Cook both the mixtures separately. When sugar dissolves from both the mixtures, add cardamom powder to it.

Now take it out from the pan and roll the cashews and pistachios into a sheet.

Place both of them one above the other and roll it from the middle.

Now garnish it with silver leaf and serve it to the guests.