Recipe- Offer Peda to Mahadev on Shivratri, it will be ready in 10 minutes!


pc: indiatv

Many things are offered to Bholenath on Maha Shivratri. Most people offer white things to the Lord like Kheer, peda and barfi. To date, you might have offered Peda to Mahadev many times by purchasing it from outside, but you can easily make it at home also. Usually, it is made by cooking milk and khoya. But it takes time. In such a situation, you can make peda with this recipe within 10 minutes which is tasty to eat and is also easy to make.

Peda Recipe in 10 Minutes for Maha Shivratri:


Milk powder

1 cup milk



Grated coconut





-Grind cashew nuts, grated coconut, sugar and cardamom in a grinder and make a fine powder.

-Take 1 cup of milk powder.

- Mix 2 tablespoons of ghee in milk powder.

-Add the prepared mixture of cashew nuts, grated coconut, sugar and cardamom to it.

- Add some more ghee and knead the mixture like dough.

-Apply some ghee on your palms and roll the mixture between your hands to shape it into small balls.

-Apply almonds in the middle of each tree.

Your pedas will be ready in 10 minutes.

Offer these delicious pedas and enjoy them yourself.