Recipe of the Day: You can easily make Soan Papdi, this is the method


Today we are going to tell you an easy method of making delicious Soan Papdi at home. Everyone will like its taste very much. It is very easy to create it. 

Required Ingredients: 

  • 4 cups sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 spoons milk
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 tsp cardamom powder
  • 2 cups gram flour
  • 3 cups ghee.

Prepare it in this way: 

First of all, heat ghee in a pan, add flour and gram flour to it and fry it till it turns golden. 

Now turn off the gas and let it cool. 

Prepare syrup by pouring milk in a pan, adding water and sugar to it. Mix flour and gram flour mixture in it. 

Now spread the mixture evenly in a plate greased with ghee. 

Add almonds and pistachios on top and chop them into pieces with a knife. 

In this way your Soan Papdi is made. 

PC: lifeberrys