Recipe of the Day: Make the weekend special with Vegetable Sandwich, this is the recipe


Ingredients required:

  • 4 slices bread
  • 2 medium boiled potatoes
  • 1 boiled beetroot (optional)
  • 1 cucumber thinly sliced
  • ​​1 small onion thinly sliced
  • ​​1 tomato, thinly sliced
  • ​​1 small bowl green coriander mint chutney
  • Butter as required
  • Sandwich masala

Make it with this method:

First of all remove the edges of the bread slices. 

Apply butter and chutney on the bread slices and keep all the vegetable slices one by one. Sprinkle sandwich masala on each layer of the vegetable.

Cover the sandwich with another bread slice. 

This is how your sandwich is made. 

Now enjoy Vegetable Sandwich with Tomato Ketchup and Coriander Mint Chutney.