Recipe of the Day: Make potato rings on the weekend, this is the easy method to make them


Many types of delicious dishes can be made from potatoes. Today we are going to tell you the method of making potato rings. Children or adults will like its spicy taste in breakfast. This dish prepared from potatoes is very tasty. It is also very easy to make. It will not take much time to make it. 

Required Ingredients: 

  • Semolina - one cup
  • Boiled potatoes - eight
  • Cumin powder - one teaspoon
  • Black salt - one teaspoon
  • oil
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Black pepper powder - one teaspoon
  • Turmeric - half teaspoon

You can prepare this delicious dish in this way: 

First of all, boil the potatoes and mash them in a mixing bowl.

Now add semolina in the same bowl and mix both well. 

Now you have to mix black pepper powder, cumin powder, black salt, turmeric and salt in the vessel. 

Now the batter is ready to make potato rings. 

Now apply some oil on a rolling board, put some potato mixture on it and spread it with the help of fingers. 

This mixture should not be too thin. 

Now make potato rings from two circular lids. 

Now heat oil in a pan and deep fry the potato rings in it. 

When their colour becomes golden, take them out of the pan. 

Now taste them with tomato ketchup. You will like its taste very much.

PC: lifeberrys, freepik, lifeberrys

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