Recipe of the Day: Make Pineapple Barfi on the weekend, this is the recipe


Ingredients Required:

- 3 big size pineapple

- 3 cups fresh khoya

- 3 drops of yellow food color

- 3 spoons sugar

- Ground cardamom

- Saffron flakes

Make it by this method:

Put pineapple in a vessel and pour sugar over it.

Now pour some water into the cooker and keep the vessel with pineapple in it for twenty minutes.

Now grind it in a mixer and prepare soup.

Now cook pineapple soup and sugar thickly in a pan.

Now cook mawa and pineapple in a pan until it thickens.

Now add cardamom, yellow colour and saffron flakes to it.

Now spread this mixture on a plate greased with ghee and set it aside.

Now cut it into barfi shapes.

PC: life berry

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