Recipe of the Day: Make delicious vermicelli kheer at home, this is the method
Apr 8, 2024, 16:56 IST

Required Ingredients:
- Vermicelli - three hundred grams
- Milk - four litres
- Sugar - four hundred grams
- Desi Ghee - four teaspoons
- Cardamom crushed - twenty
- cloves - four
- Almonds chopped - thirty
- Raisins - forty
You can prepare it in this manner:
When the milk first boils in a pan, add vermicelli and cloves.
Now cook it until it thickens. Now take out the cloves from it.
Now add sugar to it and let it boil on low flame.
After boiling the kheer for about 2 minutes, add almonds and raisins to it.
Now add desi ghee and crushed cardamom to it.
In this way, your vermicelli kheer is prepared.
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