Recipe of the Day: Make delicious pistachio barfi on Shitalashtami, these things enhance the taste


Today we are going to tell you the method of making delicious pistachio barfi at home. You must make this sweet on the festival of Shitalashtami. Tasting it will make the hearts of the labourers happy.

Required Ingredients: 

  • Pistachios - four cups
  • Cashew
  • nuts - two cups Salt - four pinches
  • Oil - eight spoons
  • Honey - four spoons
  • Chocolate powder - two spoons
  • Dates - ten

You can make it by this method: 

First of all, heat the oil in a pan and roast the pistachios in it for 1-2 minutes.

Now grind pistachios, dates and cashews.

Now mix cashew-date paste, honey, salt and chocolate powder with pistachio paste in a vessel. 

Now spread this mixture on a plate greased with ghee and set it aside. 

Now cut it as per your wish. 

Now you can taste it.

PC: lifeberrys