Recipe of the Day: Brinjal Bhaja is a very tasty dish, make it with this method.


Required Ingredients:

  • Brinjal - eight thick medium sized
  • pieces Flour - half tablespoon
  • turmeric powder - one teaspoon
  • chilli powder - two teaspoons
  • sugar - four teaspoons
  • mustard oil - 16 tablespoons
  • salt - as per taste

Prepare it like this:

Most First cut the brinjal into half inch round pieces and soak them in water for 15 minutes.

Now mix flour, chilli, turmeric powder, sugar, salt and a little water in a vessel.

Now mix this mixture in the brinjal pieces.

Cook them in oil for 15 minutes.

In this way your brinjal bhaja is made.

PC: lifeberry