Recipe-Enjoy cold fruit cream in summer, the taste is amazing!


pc: indiatv

In summer, one feels like eating cold things. In such a situation, you can enjoy cold fruit cream. Fruit cream is a very healthy and tasty sweet dish. If guests are coming, you can quickly make fruit cream in just 15-20 minutes. Its taste is very wonderful.

What fruits are used in fruit cream?

The most popular fruits used in fruit creams are mango and banana. Additionally, you can also add apples, grapes, pomegranates, and strawberries. Apart from this, adding dry fruits also enhances the taste of the fruit cream. Dry fruits like cashews, almonds, and raisins are usually added to fruit cream.

How to make fruit cream, know the recipe:

Making fruit cream is very easy. For this, you can use any fresh cream available in the market.

You can also find fresh cream from dairies in grocery stores.

Alternatively, various companies offer fruit creams readily available in the market.

You have to buy a pack of 200 grams of cream and take it out in a bowl.

Beat the cream well with a spoon or beater. When the cream starts thickening, add sugar to it.

Keep beating the cream until the sugar is mixed well. Meanwhile, chop the fruits.

Mix 1 big mango, 2 bananas, 1 apple, half a pomegranate, and 8-10 grapes in 200 grams of cream.

Strawberries and dried fruits are optional. If you like them, you can also chop them and mix them.

Now cut all the fruits into small pieces and mix them in the cream.

If you are adding dry fruits, then keep in mind that after adding them, everything should be mixed well.

Keep the fruit cream in the refrigerator and when it cools down, take it out in a bowl and serve.

Once you taste this fruit cream, you'll want to make it again and again throughout the season.