Recipe- Enhance the taste of your food with mint chutney, prepare it in minutes like this!


pc:life berries

Chutney enhances the taste of any dish. Mint chutney is quite popular. In the summer season, it not only cools the body but also proves beneficial for digestion. It contains many nutrients. It can be served at any time for lunch or dinner. Along with this, mint chutney is also used to enhance the taste of daytime snacks or street food. It is very easy to make. So let's know about its recipe.


1/2 cup mint leaves

2-3 cloves of garlic

Chopped coriander - 1 cup

A small piece of ginger

Chopped green chillies - 2

Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Salt as per taste


-First of all, pluck mint leaves and wash them thoroughly with clean water.

Then take out the leaves from the water and cut them. Also, chop green chillies and green coriander.

Now squeeze lemon in a small bowl. If you want, you can squeeze the lemon juice directly while grinding the chutney.

Then add mint leaves, green chillies, green coriander, garlic cloves and a piece of ginger in a blender jar.

-Then add sugar and salt as per taste and grind with lid.

-Grind the chutney until smooth. Then, take out the mint chutney in a large bowl.