NFL Recruitment 2024: Vacancy for bumper posts of Management Trainee, apply before this date


NFL Recruitment 2024: National Fertilizers Limited has released recruitment for bumper posts. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official website.

NFL Recruitment 2024: National Fertilizers Limited has released recruitment for bumper posts. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official website.

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) has released recruitment for the post of Management Trainee. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official site The date for this campaign has been fixed as 02 July 2024.


This recruitment drive will recruit a total of 164 posts of Management Trainee in the institute.

This recruitment drive will recruit a total of 164 posts of Management Trainee in the institute.

The candidate applying for the recruitment should have B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engineering / MCA / MBA / PG Degree / PG Diploma (PGDM / PGDBM) / MBA must be passed.

Candidates applying for recruitment must have B.Tech. / B.E. / B.Sc. Engineering / MCA / MBA / PG Degree / PG Diploma (PGDM / PGDBM) / MBA must be passed.

The age of the candidates applying should be between 18 years to 27 years.

The age of the candidates applying should be between 18 years to 27 years.


The candidates selected for these posts will be given a salary ranging from Rs 40 thousand to 1 lakh 40 thousand during the training period of one year.

The candidates selected for these posts will be given a salary ranging from Rs 40 thousand to 1 lakh 40 thousand during the training period of one year.

The candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of offline OMR based examination and interview.


The selection of candidates for these posts will be done on the basis of offline OMR based examination and interview.