Miracle of science: Diseases will be identified through tongue, scientists have discovered a unique technique
Have you ever thought that someone looks at you and tells you that you are sick? This used to happen centuries ago when great physicians would tell what disease a person had just by looking at his pulse, mouth, or tongue.
Have you ever thought that someone looks at you and tells you that you are sick? This used to happen centuries ago, when great physicians would tell what disease a person had by looking at his pulse, mouth, or tongue. Then the times changed. People started running in the blind race of modernity. Society started developing day by day, with it the things around us also gradually changed. If we lost something in this race of development, it was our ancient medical practice.
But now such a medical practice is going to return to our lives again, in which a machine will accurately detect a person's disease by looking at his tongue through Artificial Intelligence (AI). This will not only help in detecting diseases early but will also provide relief from getting repeated tests done through blood. This is going to be possible due to the research of researchers at Iraq's Middle Technical University.
AI model developed:
Recently, scientists at Iraq's Middle Technical University have developed an AI model that can detect diseases with 98 percent accuracy from pictures of the tongue. This technology analyzes the tongue's photo in real time and gives fast and accurate results. If this technology is completely successful, then detecting diseases will become a matter of a few minutes.
The disease will be detected from the colour and texture of the tongue
The foundation of this technology is based on ancient Chinese medical practice, where doctors used to diagnose diseases based on the colour and texture of the tongue. Modern science has made this ancient knowledge even more effective by combining it with an advanced AI model. Researchers from the University of South Australia and Iraq's Middle Technical University together developed this AI model, which was tested on 5,260 pictures of tongues. These pictures were analysed with the labels of various diseases.
Research has found that people with diabetes
often have a yellow tongue, while cancer patients have a purple tongue with a thick coating. People affected by acute stroke have a red tongue and a strange shape. AI models have been trained to analyse such images, allowing them to quickly and accurately predict the disease. This technology is capable of identifying diseases whose symptoms are clearly visible on the tongue.
You can also detect with the phone's camera
This technology not only provides more accuracy, but it can also be implemented with ordinary smartphone cameras. This can make this technology useful even in remote areas where traditional medical facilities are not available. By detecting diseases in the early stages, effective treatment can be possible with this technology and immediate steps can be taken in situations like epidemics.