Make your hair naturally shiny, these simple Ayurvedic remedies will help.


To make hair shiny and strong, it requires a lot of care. From hair washing to oiling, along with making hair thick, it is also important to follow the right diet. But to increase hair growth, you can follow the tips of Ayurveda.

Due to a bad lifestyle, hair starts becoming lifeless and dry. During winters, the problem of hair fall increases due to wind. If you are troubled by dry hair in winter, you can follow some simple tips from Ayurveda. Let's know about these tips…

Do not wash your hair with hot water.

If you want to keep your hair strong, do not wash your hair with hot water. If you wash your hair with very hot water, the natural oil present in the scalp starts reducing. This increases dryness in the hair. This weakens the roots of the hair.

Massage the scalp

In Ayurveda, hair massage is also considered very beneficial. You can massage your scalp with slightly warming coconut oil. This increases blood circulation on the scalp and also improves growth. Massage the scalp at least twice a week.

Do not tie your hair tight.

Many hairstyles are trending to make hair beautiful. But avoid tight hairstyles. This can weaken the roots of your hair. Let us tell you that this also affects the scalp. Whenever you tie your hair, do it with light hands.

Avoid chemical treatments

Nowadays people get various types of chemical treatments done to increase the shine of their hair. But this can be harmful for the hair. Hair starts getting damaged due to hair colouring and hair straightening. Due to this, hair starts breaking more. In such a situation, do not get chemical treatment done for your hair.