Mahatma Gandhi: These 10 precious thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi show the way to live


Saint of Sabarmati, Mahatma Gandhi left this world forever by saying 'Hey Ram'. Although Gandhiji is not among us today, his thoughts are immortal. His words still guide us. In this article, we will tell you about 10 thoughts of Bapu, which clarify his life and ideology.

10 priceless thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi


Non-violence: Gandhiji's biggest principle was non-violence. He believed that no problem can be solved through violence. He always followed non-violence.

Truth: Mahatma Gandhi considered truth to be the most important ideal of his life. He believed that the power of truth could defeat anyone.

High thoughts: According to Gandhiji, our thoughts have a deep impact on our actions. Therefore, we should always adopt good and positive thoughts.

Service: Gandhiji believed that whatever we do for others is real service. When we do good to others through our good deeds, we ourselves also become better.

Sense of equality: Gandhiji fought against casteism and discrimination in society. He raised his voice for the rights of the 'untouchables' and honoured them by calling them 'Harijans' i.e. people of God.

Simple life: Gandhi ji's life was very simple. He adopted the principles of cleanliness, truth and non-violence in his life. His motto was "simple living, high thinking."

Keep trying: Gandhiji always used to say that keep trying till any work is completed. To make your dreams come true, you should work with continuous effort and dedication.

Bring change in yourself: Gandhiji believed that if we want to bring change, then first of all we have to bring change in ourselves. If we want the world to be better, then we have to improve our thinking and behavior.

Make your own path: Gandhiji always used to say that one should choose his own path. It is better to listen to the voice of your soul and decide your path rather than following someone else's path.

Love everyone: Gandhiji believed that love has the greatest power. It can end even the biggest conflicts in the world.