Lok Sabha Election 2024: You can vote even without a Voter ID Card, check your name in the voter list online like this..

Lok Sabha Election 2024: The dates of the Lok Sabha elections have been announced. This time too, like last time, elections are going to be held in 7 phases.
The first phase of elections will be held on April 19. After this, the second phase of elections will be held on 26 April.
The third phase of elections will be held on 7 May, the fourth on 13 May, the fifth on 20 May, and the sixth phase on 25 May. The last phase will be announced on June 1 and the election results will be announced on June 4.
How to vote without a voter ID card?
If you have turned 18 or are above 18 years of age this year and are preparing to vote, then this information is for you only.
You must be registered to vote. You have applied for a Voter ID card, but you can cast your vote even if you do not have a Voter ID.
However, if your name is not on the voter list then you cannot cast your vote.
In such a situation, it is advisable to check the name in the voter list. The process of checking names in the voter list is very easy. Let us know how you can check your name in the voter list online-
How to check your name in the voter list online
First of all, you have to visit https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/.
Here, to check the name in the voter list, one has to choose one of the three methods Search by Details, Search by EPIC, Search by Mobile.
First option (Search by Details)
Now with Search by Details, you will have to provide information about your name, father's name, gender, and date of birth.
Along with this, information about the district and assembly constituency will have to be given.
After entering the captcha code, your details will be visible on the screen.
Second option (Search by EPIC)
If you do not want to search through details then you can check the name in the voter list with Search by EPIC. However, for this, you must have an EPIC number.
Now EPIC number and state details will have to be shared.
After entering the captcha code, your details will be visible on the screen.
Third option (Search by Mobile)
If your mobile number is registered then you can use the Search by Mobile option.
You will need to enter your mobile number and captcha code.
After entering the captcha code, your details will be visible on the screen.
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