Know these things before getting hair straightening done, it can cause big harm!


Earlier people used to use natural things to make hair shiny and smooth, but with changing times there have been changes in every field and there are expensive products and treatments available in the market from skincare to hair care. Carotene treatment is done to make lifeless and rough hair shiny and smooth. Apart from this, people also get hair straightening done in their hair, in which many chemicals are used. This craze is being seen very much among working girls, but do you know how harmful it can be for you? 

The process of getting hair carotene and hair straightening done is about 3 hours long, in which many types of chemical products are used. Carotene lasts for about 3 months and the hair straightening treatment also depends on how long you have done it, like 6 months or 1 year. For this, repeated treatment sessions have to be taken. Because of this, you often come in contact with chemicals, but you cannot even imagine that these cosmetic treatments can make you a victim of serious diseases.

Report shocked, risk of kidney failure

According to a recent report published in 'The New Zealand Journal of Medicine', a 26-year-old woman suffered kidney damage due to a hair straightening procedure. This study says that the woman got a hair straightening procedure done at the salon three times between 2020 and 2022, in which glyoxylic acid-based products were used.

The woman used to have problems like fever, diarrhoea, nausea, and back pain after every sitting, after which the doctors' examination found that the level of creatinine in the woman's blood was high, due to which her kidneys were not able to function properly. 

There is also a risk of cancer

According to Dr Aparna Jain, Director of the Gynecology Department of Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh, the chemicals used in hair straightening also increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer in women. Apart from this, its excessive use also affects the fertility of women.

More risks than how often you get hair straightening done

According to Dr Aparna Jain, women who undergo hair straightening treatment more than 4 times a year have up to 30 per cent more risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer than other women.

What are the safe options?

Instead of hair straightening treatment or carotene treatment, you should do deep conditioning. This keeps your hair hydrated and becomes soft. Instead of using chemical-based products, if you regularly use hair masks made from things like egg curd etc., this can keep your hair naturally soft and shiny. Along with this, a good diet and drinking plenty of water will also help in hair growth. Provides relief from the problem of falls. If you want to get hair straightening done, then first take advice from an expert and get the hair treatment done with utmost care.