Is fish bone stuck in the throat? Remove it with these 5 home remedies and get relief from pain

It is a very common thing to get a fish bone stuck in the throat while eating and in most of the cases this problem can be solved with simple home remedies provided we have knowledge about them.
Is fish bone stuck in the throat?
Do you eat fish? Has it ever happened to you that you have eaten a fish with bones and its bone got stuck in your throat? This can happen to anyone and this problem can increase difficulties for you because if the bone gets stuck in the throat, it can be difficult for you to eat or drink anything. However, getting a bone stuck in the throat while eating fish is considered a very common thing and in most cases, this problem can be solved with simple home remedies provided we have knowledge of them.
There is less need for medical help
There are very few cases in which we need medical help when a bone gets stuck in the throat while eating fish. However, it is natural for any person to panic when a bone gets stuck in the throat and there is no peace until the bone is removed from the throat.
Pain occurs when a thorn gets stuck in the throat
When a bone gets stuck in the throat while eating fish, it is natural to feel pain and irritation in the throat. Sometimes the bone goes into the stomach but you feel as if it is still stuck in the throat. This happens in a situation when the bone reaches your stomach after harming your throat.
When does it not cause harm
While eating fish, the bone often gets stuck in the throat at the top, but its grip loosens by coughing. By doing this, it either comes out with the cough or goes into the stomach. Once the bone goes into the stomach, it does not cause any harm to your body.
What to do if a fish bone gets stuck in your throat
1-If a thorn gets stuck in your throat, eat a banana immediately. Eat as much banana as you can at one time and try to swallow it without chewing. By doing this, the banana will go into the stomach along with the thorn. 2- If bananas are not available, you can try this method with roti or rice and if you try to swallow them without chewing, it will be better for you. 3-If you do not feel like eating anything, then drinking carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola, and Pepsi also helps in removing the thorn easily. 4-You can also drink a small amount of soda, vinegar, or castor oil, which weakens the grip of the thorn and helps it go into the stomach or you can also remove it by gargling. 5-There is no need to panic too much if a fish bone gets stuck and with time it becomes loose on its own and in most cases it will come out on its own. Yes, keep in mind that it has come out before sleeping at night.
When might you need to go to the doctor
If you have trouble breathing after a fish bone gets stuck, you should immediately contact a doctor. If the bone is not stuck in the throat but in the food pipe, it can cause many problems for you. Even if the bone is removed and the pain persists for several days, you should consult a doctor.
PC:The Health Site