International Meditation Day: Meditation can also be done in these ways, maybe you don't know


Meditation is a mental exercise. It is practiced for mental peace and self-control. It not only improves the mental state, but also proves beneficial for physical health. From now on, World Meditation Day will be celebrated every year on 21 December to make people aware about meditation.

Life coach and motivational speaker Sandeep Kochar says that when we practice meditation, it reduces stress. It helps in focusing better. Regular practice keeps the mind relaxed. You must have already known about the benefits of meditation. But now we will tell you how many types of meditation are there. Let us know from the experts…


Vipassana is an ancient Buddhist meditation technique that emphasizes inner awareness. In this, a person simply observes breathing and mental thoughts without drawing any conclusions. Its aim is to get relief from mental and physical suffering.

Yogic Meditation

Life coach Sandeep Kochar says that meditation has special importance in yoga. Yogic meditation is related to physical postures, focus on breathing, and mental concentration. It is beneficial for health, mental balance, and enlightenment. In this, various physical postures, pranayama, and meditation have to be practiced.

Loving Kindness Meditation

This meditation is done to increase the feelings of love and compassion. In this, the person thinks about good and positive thoughts for himself as well as others. It helps in promoting mental peace, kindness, and empathy. This meditation is very good for emotional healing.

meditation with mantra

In this meditation, a special mantra is chanted. This mantra is the way to enter a deep state of mental peace and meditation. Through this, a person comes out of his mental confusion and reaches a state of concentration.