In olden times people used to apply ghee on their hair, so can you also apply it? Know here!

pc: Navbharat Times
People make various efforts to make their hair thick and strong. They take care of their hair by using new oils and home remedies. In ancient times, people used ghee for their hair because it was considered very beneficial for the health and thickness of hair. But many people wonder whether it is right to apply ghee to hair or not. In this report, we will tell you what happens when you apply ghee to your hair.
Benefits of applying ghee on hair:
Ghee contains Vitamin A, E, K, Omega-3, and Omega-6 fatty acids, which can be beneficial for hair. It nourishes the hair and makes them stronger. Additionally, ghee helps reduce dandruff and promotes a healthy scalp. Ghee is considered very beneficial in making hair thick, and shiny and preventing hair fall.
PC: Loksatta
Things to keep in mind while applying ghee:
Applying ghee to hair is considered very beneficial, but there are some rules for applying it. For example, it is a bit difficult to apply cold ghee to the hair, so heating it makes it easier to apply it to the hair. The right time to apply it is at night. Apply ghee to hair at night and wash it in the morning. Apply ghee to your hair only 2 to 3 times a week. Keep in mind that everyone's hair type is different. Although ghee may benefit the hair of some people, it may not work for others. If you are allergic to ghee or have any hair-related problems then consult a doctor.