How is treatment done in AIIMS, know where to get a doctor's appointment

It is very easy to get a number in AIIMS. You can register online for AIIMS OPD from home. This process is very easy. There is no problem with this. Getting a doctor's appointment is also very easy.
AIIMS Appointment and Treatment: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is a renowned hospital in the country. The medical facilities available here are the best. This is the reason that not only common patients but also big celebrities come here for treatment. Before coming to AIIMS, many people try to arrange for a doctor's appointment with their acquaintances. However, this is not such a difficult task. You can get your number in AIIMS even while sitting at home. There is no need to ask for help from anyone for this. Know here how treatment is done in AIIMS and where to get a doctor's appointment.
How is the treatment done in AIIMS?
In AIIMS, specialist doctors treat patients based on the disease. Treatment here is not completely free. Medical facilities are provided to patients at subsidized rates. Patients do not have to pay a single penny for the facilities of the general ward of the hospital, the services of doctors and medical staff. OPD consultation, emergency facilities, admission in the general ward and doctor's advice are completely free. But if any surgery is being done, then the patient has to bear the cost of everything from equipment to medicines.