High BP patients should not eat this thing even by mistake, it can spoil their health


Patients with high BP should take special care of their diet. The problem of hypertension increases due to unhealthy diet and bad lifestyle. In such a situation, what should the patients eat and what should they not. Let us know.

The number of patients suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure is increasing continuously. This problem is increasing rapidly due to poor lifestyle and unbalanced diet. Patients with high BP should take special care of their diet. Otherwise, it can lead to many diseases. Such as heart problems, kidney related diseases and increased risk of stroke. People with high BP often become dependent on medicines. But it can also be controlled through good lifestyle and proper diet. In such a situation, it becomes important to know what patients should eat and what not.

Hypertension patients should not eat certain things. If they eat the prohibited things, then there can be a greater possibility of the problem of hypertension increasing in them.

Processed Food

Hypertension patients should avoid processed food. There is a high risk of increasing blood pressure by eating chips, namkeen and packaged snacks available in the market because these things contain high amount of sodium. Sodium increases blood pressure rapidly. Hypertension patients should also not drink soft drinks and energy drinks.

Excess salt intake

Hypertension patients should not eat too much salt. Salt is dangerous for high BP. Salt contains high amount of sodium, which increases blood pressure rapidly. Therefore, patients should avoid excess salt.

Sugar and sweets

Hypertension patients should avoid eating sweets. Sweets increase the sugar level rapidly. This increases your weight and puts more strain on the heart.

tea and coffee

Tea and coffee contain a lot of caffeine. Caffeine increases blood pressure. Therefore, one should drink 2 cups of tea or 1 cup of coffee a day. Consuming more than this can increase the risk.

What should one eat in hypertension?

Due to bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, the disease of hypertension is increasing rapidly today. Especially the youth are becoming more prone to it. Because the lifestyle of the youth is deteriorating completely. Due to which they are falling prey to this disease. In such a situation, what should hypertension patients eat so that their BP can remain under control. Hypertension patients should consume fresh fruits and green vegetables. Also, such things should be made a part of the diet, which have adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Fruits and green vegetables

Hypertension patients should consume fresh fruits. Fruits like orange, watermelon, banana and papaya are rich in potassium, which helps in controlling blood pressure. On the other hand, minerals are found in green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots, and beans, which help in controlling blood pressure. Therefore, these patients should consume fresh fruits and green vegetables in large quantities.

Whole grains

Patients should also consume whole grains. Oats, brown rice, lentils, moong, gram dal and whole grains contain adequate amount of fiber. Fiber plays a major role in controlling blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart problems.

Healthy Fats

These patients should also include nuts in their diet. Such as walnuts, almonds, and flax seeds should be used. Omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats are found in seeds, which help in improving the heart.
