Hiccups: Damn! Hiccups are not stopping, get relief in this way


Hiccups Problem Solution: In India, it is often believed that hiccups mean that someone is missing you, although there is no scientific evidence for this. Many times we do get upset due to repeated hiccups. 


How To Stop Frequent Hiccups:  There is hardly anyone among us who has never had hiccups. It is completely normal to have hiccups that do not last for long, after a little wait it disappears on its own. But many times you must have felt that once the hiccups come, they do not go away. This usually happens after drinking less water or eating spicy food. When such a situation arises, we can take some easy measures to get rid of it.  

How to get rid of hiccups

1. Drink water

Drinking water is the oldest remedy to stop hiccups which has been in practice for centuries. Whenever you feel such a situation, drink a glass of water slowly, it works miraculously on the throat, which relieves your problem.

2. Hold your breath

If you are troubled by frequent hiccups, then to avoid this, adopt the method of holding your breath. With the help of your hands, close your nose and mouth for a few seconds so that the hiccups have difficulty reaching the throat. However, people who have trouble breathing should try other methods.

3. Pull the tongue

You may feel hesitant to stick your tongue out in front of everyone, but this trick is very effective. For this, slowly pull your tongue out. By doing this, the hiccups will stop.

4. Gargle with ice water

Sometimes it becomes difficult to stop hiccups, in such a case the ice technique can be useful for you, for this put an ice cube in a glass of water and gargle for half a minute. If the hiccups do not stop in one go, then repeat the process again and again.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.