Her story: 'I don't want to become a mother, but how do I explain it to my husband?

This is the story of a woman who does not want to become a mother. It is not that she does not like children or that she is the villain of the family. But she has some desires. Which she is hesitant to share with the family. This is the story of many Priyas who also share through social media. Read this special story.
This is the story of Priya (name changed), who has been married for four years. As is usually the case in families, a woman is asked to become a mother after 1-2 years of marriage. There is no doubt that becoming a mother is the most precious feeling in the world. But whose decision should it be? Husband-wife's or society's. Many times, even the husband puts pressure on the woman to have children due to family and social pressure. Now what does a woman think in this situation? Priya is telling this, who has refused to reveal her identity. Read it in her own words.
I am Priya. I live in Sagarpur, Delhi. I had an arranged marriage. My husband is a CA. He is very nice and understanding. He never let me miss anything after marriage. I have done MA. I don't have a job but I help my husband in his office. He is very nice, he has never stopped me from dressing up or keeping a job.
But I am in a dilemma. Often relatives and in-laws ask me to have children. Some even taunt me that it has been four years but I still have no children. Somehow I am managing with the relatives but now I am thinking about how to talk to my husband. What is going on in my mind and heart, what and how should I tell him?
The thing is that I don't want to become a mother. I don't want to have children. I am very happy with my husband. I am ready to walk with him in every step. But I don't want to have children. I am afraid of what and how I should say to my husband. Sometimes I am afraid that he might get angry. There is also this tension that my married life may get ruined because of this. I think how to convince my husband for this?
This is the story of many women
Not only Priya, there are many women who think like this. Recently, famous TV actress Jayati Bhatia also expressed her opinion on this. She has been married for 32 years but she has not had children. She says that she is happy the way she is. Nor does she have any regrets. She does not want the population of the country to keep increasing.
There are many women who have expressed their views on this
, while on the social media site 'Reddit', many people have expressed their views on this. Where the discussion started on the topic 'People who do not want to have children. What is the reason?' Where not only women but also men expressed their views. A user wrote, 'This is a very unpopular opinion. But it is not necessary to give a reason for not doing something. I am not in favor of not having children but every person has his own decision which should be respected. It may be that there was more pressure in the earlier times but now society and things have changed.'
No need to give reasons
While another woman wrote, '100% right. Why do I have to justify my decision. I don't want to work as a nurse. This is my decision. Similarly, if I don't want children then the matter is over. Why do we have to give explanation for everything?'
Questions arising in the minds of women
While one said, 'All I want to say is that until you get the right answer to 'Do you want to have a child?', you should not do it.' One wrote, 'Life is already very difficult and busy without children. I can't even imagine how I would take care of them all day.'
What do they say?
Another user writes, 'I love children, but I do not want to change my life and body completely. I like being selfish. All my evenings and weekends are in my hands. I can sleep and also go anywhere. I do not have the strength to take responsibility for anyone else.'