Heart Attack: This one problem in childhood increases the risk of heart attack and stroke 4 times

A serious problem like high blood pressure (hypertension) in childhood and adolescence can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in the future. This shocking fact has come to light in recent research.
New research has made shocking revelations that high blood pressure (hypertension) in childhood and adolescence can increase serious health risks such as heart attack and stroke in adulthood by up to four times. This research was done on 25,605 children and adolescents in Ontario, Canada between 1996 and 2021, who had high blood pressure.
Researchers found that children and teens who had high blood pressure in childhood were two to four times more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or heart surgery as adults than those who did not have the condition. This research underscores the importance of controlling high blood pressure and reducing its risks at an early age.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure The symptoms
of high blood pressure in children can be difficult to recognize as they are often confused with general symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath.
Causes of High Blood Pressure
There can be many causes of high blood pressure in children, including obesity, a family history of high blood pressure, kidney problems, and certain medications.
Medical Treatment
High blood pressure in children can be treated through lifestyle changes, medications, and other medical treatments. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight play an important role in controlling high blood pressure.
Message for Parents
Parents should be aware of their children's health and get their health checked regularly. If your child shows any symptoms of high blood pressure, contact the doctor immediately.