Health Tips: To get a good sleep at night, use ghee in this way, your routine will not get disturbed, know the remedy..

Due to busy life and unhealthy lifestyle, many people have the problem of insomnia, which is called insomnia. The use of ghee can prove to be a great solution to get good and deep sleep. In Ayurveda, ghee is considered very beneficial for improving sleep. It not only relaxes the body but also keeps the mind calm, which leads to good sleep. Let us know how to use ghee properly to get good sleep at night…
Apply ghee on the navel before sleeping.
Before sleeping at night, apply a few drops of ghee on the navel and massage it with light hands. This method helps in detoxifying the body and keeps the mind calm. Applying ghee to the navel relaxes the nerves of the body, which improves sleep.
Consume milk and ghee.
If you have problem of insomnia, then it will be beneficial to drink a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of ghee before sleeping. This combination of ghee and milk increases an amino acid called tryptophan, which helps get good sleep.
Massage the feet
Massaging the soles of the feet with lukewarm ghee before sleeping reduces stress and calms the nerves. This relaxes the mind and makes one fall asleep quickly. This remedy can prove to be effective, especially for those who have problems with sleeplessness.
Consume ghee and ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that helps in relaxing the body and inducing sleep. If it is consumed mixed with ghee, it calms the mind and improves the quality of sleep.
Put ghee in the nose.
According to Ayurveda, putting two drops of cow ghee in the nose before sleeping gives mental peace and induces deep sleep. This is called "Nasya Kriya", which also improves the functioning of the brain.
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