Health: Appearance of white tongue can be a sign of deficiency of this vitamin...


Tongue Discoloration and Other Changes: Our tongue indicates our health. That's why doctors examine your tongue. If there is any deficiency in our body, then it is checked with the tongue. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin B-12 in our body, it can affect the colour of the tongue. The tongue is used for everything from swallowing food to expressing the thoughts going on in the mind. Any change in the texture or colour of the tongue is a sign of illness. Let's know-


Vitamin B-12 works for the body in many ways. It helps in keeping our brain and nervous system healthy. It also affects the pregnancy of women. It also reduces the symptoms of anaemia in women. But today we are going to see the effects of its deficiency on the tongue.

Red thick coating and rough tongue
According to Medical News Today, a thick red coating and a rough tongue are symptoms of a B-12 deficiency. This is called glossitis. Due to this, the tongue starts feeling thick and strange. Sometimes it looks like swelling.

Most of the tongue appears white
White tongue is also considered a sign of vitamin B-12 deficiency. This is called Geographic Tongue. A white layer accumulates on the tongue. The colour of the tongue may also turn yellow. There may also be painful spots on the tongue.

Tongue ulcer
Mouth ulcers can also be an important symptom of vitamin B-12 deficiency. This can sometimes cause small blisters on the tongue and in the mouth. In this disease, it is necessary to take a diet containing vitamin B-12. Mutton, fish, milk, paneer, egg and some dry fruits should be included in this diet. It's a matter of diet, but if you experience these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor.


Discolouration of tongue
Yellow tongue means you are anaemic. If there is a lack of iron in the body and the tissues of the mouth do not get enough oxygen, then the pink colour of the tongue becomes pale. Oxygen reaches the cells and tissues only through the blood. In this case, foods rich in iron should be consumed.